Errata: Java Persistence with Hibernate
FIRST PRINT & EBOOK (11.11.2006)
- Page 11, first code example last line: "foreign key references user" should be "foreign key references
- Page 15, code example last line: "foreign key references USER" should be "foreign key references USERS"
- Page 89, fourth paragraph: "instead of" should be "instead of"
- Page 109, illustration, in the center a role text on an association from Item to User is missing: "approved
by", between "sold by" and "bought"
- Page 289, second code example: "@OneToOne" should be "@ManyToOne"
- Page 310, last code example: @OneToMany should be @OneToMany(mappedBy="item")
- Page 311, first code example: "<map>" needs inverse="true" attribute
- Page 375, the page was misprinted and is a duplicate of page 373, please download the real page 375 (PDF)
here - note that the ebook is not affected.
- Page 474, third paragraph: "with now performance or scalability benefit" should be "with no performance or
scalability benefit"
- Page 637, first code snippet: "u.firstname not like" should be "u.firstname like"
SECOND PRINT & EBOOK (07.12.2006)
- Page 170, first code example: Replace all occurrences of "<parameter>" and "</parameter>" with "<para>"
and "</para>"
- Page 174, last code example: "<classname" should be "<class name"
- Page 206, last code example: Replace "public class BankAccount" with "public class BankAccount extends
- Page 207, first code example: Replace "public class CreditCard" with "public class CreditCard extends
- Page 249, last paragraph: "switching to the Sorted* interfaces and the (Tree*" should be "switching to the
Sorted* interfaces (and the Tree*"
- Page 284, fourth paragraph: "the user who has this address has its" should be "the user who has this address
as its"
- Page 314, first paragraph: "CreditCard or CheckingAccount" should be "CreditCard or BankAccount"
- Page 316, fourth paragraph: "CreditCard and CheckingAccount" should be "CreditCard and BankAccount"
- Page 336, caption of figure 8.1 should be : "A composite foreign key references a composite unique key"
- Page 419, end of first paragraph needs to close parenthesis: "in chapter 11, section 11.2.3.)"
- Page 420, first paragraph, remove the dot: "it's a generic method. and its return type is"
- Page 423, code example: "Item.setDescription(...);" should be "item.setDescription(...);".
- Page 427, last paragraph, first sentence should end with period, not comma: "...bound to the scope of the
transaction. Hence, it's flushed..."
- Page 553, fourth paragraph: Remove the sentence "Most of them let you influence the outcome of the
intercepted operation; for example, you can veto the saving of an object."
- Page 557, second paragraph: "define default listeners in your persistence.xml configuration file" should be
"define default listeners in your orm.xml mapping file"
- Page 587, third paragraph: "if you would have mapped the collection with join="fetch")." should be "if you
would have mapped the collection with fetch="join")."
- Page 617, third code snippet: "session.createNativeQuery(" should be "em.createNativeQuery("
- Page 624, first code example, remove second line "Criteria criteria ..."
- Page 721, first paragraph: "BidForAuctionCommand" should be "BidForItemCommand"
- Page 721, first code example: "handler.execute(" should be "handler.executeCommand("
- Page 726, second code example, "user.addItem(" should be "seller.addItem("
- Page 775, second last paragraph: "looks like in figure 17.6" should be "looks like in figure 17.5"
THIRD PRINT & EBOOK (06.06.2007)
- Page 109, remove last sentence: "An interesting and detailed discussion of object-oriented techniques... ...
in Domain-Driven Design (Evans, 2003)" and remove the reference in the bibliography.
- Page 214, third paragraph last sentence, "value types for this kind of conversation" should be "value types
for this kind of conversion"
- Page 409, third paragraph, remove the period in "Hibernate always treats the object as dirty and schedules
- Page 467, list of lock modes, third and fourth item, "UPDGRADE" should be "UPGRADE"
- Page 639, first table sixth row, "Applicability column" should be "Returns the position of
in s
starting to search at offset
- Page 674, second paragraph first sentence, "..wouldn't keep the order or the query result" should be
"..wouldn't keep the order of the query result"
- Page 724, first sentence, "seems like more work then" should be "seems like more work than"