package auction.dao.ejb3;
import auction.model.Bid;
import auction.model.Item;
import auction.dao.ItemDAO;
import javax.ejb.*;
import java.util.List;
* EJB3-specific implementation of the ItemDAO non-CRUD data access object.
* @author Christian Bauer
public class ItemDAOBean extends GenericEJB3DAO- implements ItemDAO {
public Bid getMaxBid(Item item) {
// TODO: em.getSingleResult() doesn't return null but throws an exception, how inconvenient
Bid currentMaxBid = null;
List result = getEntityManager()
.setParameter("itemId", item.getId())
if (result.size() > 0) currentMaxBid = (Bid)result.get(0);
return currentMaxBid;
public Bid getMinBid(Item item) {
// TODO: em.getSingleResult() doesn't return null but throws an exception, how inconvenient
Bid currentMinBid = null;
List result = getEntityManager()
.setParameter("itemId", item.getId())
if (result.size() > 0) currentMinBid = (Bid)result.get(0);
return currentMinBid;
public Item fetchWithBids(Item item) {
return (Item) getEntityManager()
.createQuery("select i from Item i left join fetch i.bids where i = :item")
.setParameter("item", item)